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Paint Suppliers: Learn How to Choose the Right One

Paint Suppliers: Look at Reputation

When it comes to selecting paint suppliers, the reputation of the chosen brand is something that needs to be observed carefully, as it makes a big difference to the product.

Choosing a supplier that has a lot of complaints online, and even at Procon, is no longer a good sign that you made the right choice. You should pay particular attention to reviews online or on social media.

Remember, this is just the first step to take; there are other points that are even more fundamental when choosing a supplier. Quality certifications are one of them. Voyant, for example, has products certified by DIN EN ISO 9001 and DIN EN 14001.

Paints free of heavy materials

Another important point when choosing paint suppliers is the non-use of heavy materials in the paint formulation. This reflects the concern that the manufacturing company has for people and the environment.

Heavy materials such as lead, nickel and others can cause allergies and even cancer in people who come into contact with the product where the paint was used. In the environment, this type of material can cause contamination of water and even soil.

Choosing a paint supplier that takes these factors into consideration has a lot to add to the value of the product (not in monetary terms). This is quite the opposite of the case where paints with heavy materials are used, which can negatively influence the name of the brand responsible for the product.

Paint suppliers: technical support

To ensure quality and productivity in your printing process, it is extremely important to have technical support provided by the ink manufacturer. After all, no one is better than the manufacturer itself to ensure the quality of production, application and handling of its products.

Voyant Distrihub knows that problems with machine downtime are vital factors for your company's competitiveness and profits. That's why Voyant has a specialist team to ensure that you don't suffer from interruptions during the printing process.

Market experience

An important contrast within the paint supplier market is the time in the market. Industries that have been in the paint business for years have a greater qualification portfolio for the product that will be delivered for their production.

Voyant, for example, has a team responsible for testing the quality and durability of the paints produced. It is through research and development that it has been possible to have a wide catalog of paints for the most diverse needs of the market.

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